Elul and Rosh HaShanah
Elul Preparation
elul_2014.mp3 |
A practical Elul workshop, including some writing and thinking exercises, given to women at the Chicago Torah Network in early Elul 5772.
elul_in_chicago_5772.wma |
Below is a downloadable word document of a calendar page for Elul 5772 as well as a blank "Elul Plan"
elul_5772.docx |
elul_plan.docx |
This talk was given in Milwaukee and shares some content with the above talk given in Chicago, but it also has some different and worthwhile material not included in the first talk. This talk casual lecture style, not a workshop.
elul.5772.aliza.bulow.mp3 |
The Mussar of Rosh Hashana 3 Part Series
the_mussar_of_rosh_hashana_1.mp3 |
the_mussar_of_rosh_hashanah_2.wma.mp3 |
the_mussar_of_rosh_hashana_part_3.wma.mp3 |
Below are the pages I handed out for these classes. There is no part two document. I am putting this here a year later, but I am guessing that part one was used for both part one and part two. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions.
Shannah Tovah!!!
Shannah Tovah!!!
elul_plan.docx |
the_mussar_of_rosh_hashanah_part_one.docx |
the_mussar_of_rosh_hashanah_part_3.docx |
Rosh Hashana Classes
Second Looks at the Second Day:
Shining the Light of The Binding of Isaac in Our Own Lives (recording, handout and source sheet below)
Shining the Light of The Binding of Isaac in Our Own Lives (recording, handout and source sheet below)
akeidah_shiur_rh_5773.docx |
click here for Rabbi Brovender's source sheet that includes the Rashi, Sefat Emmet and Mei Shiloach that were referenced in my class click here to hear Rabbi Brovender's class
click on the title to see High Holy Day articles
Why Round Challah
Am I For Real? A Shema Story with an Elul Ending
Why Round Challah
Am I For Real? A Shema Story with an Elul Ending